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lilina 0.7

A shinny new version of lilina is out!

0.7 has many improvments, here are the latest entries at the Changelog: * Update cache only if ?force_update=1 is passed as a parameter. * Cleaned up the grouping * Expand/Collapse changes the color of the item. * Initial Expand or Collapse is done by JS * UI is much simpler (to allow easier customization) * cleaned up a lot of things * "Add" button in edit.php * MAGPIE_USER_AGENT is set to "lilina $LILINAVERSION (+" * inc/chkenv.php will automaticaly do some system checking (directory and file permissions) * Should generate Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional (depending on the contents of the feeds) * CSS cleanup and improvements * ALternative CSS (style_fancy.css) illustrates how look can be changed.