VPNR-060402 #34
- το νέο μου MacBook Pro!!!
- Ελληνικό FreeCycle group
- Papocast
- Daily Source Code
- Distributing the Future
- This Week in Tech
- Podshow Music Rewind
- Jersey Toddshow
- wiggler vidcast
- Digg Nation
- GeekBrief.TV (Cali Lewis!)
- Google Techtalks Seth Godin:All marketers are liers
- Really really happy (The Muffs) [PMN]
- Jesus Land or Bush World (David Ippolito) [PMN]
- Good Day podcast (Natives of the New Dawn) [PSMN] (όχι good Dawn... :-)
- On A Podcast (Cruisebox) [PMN]

Original link: http://vrypan.net/weblog/2006/04/02/2420/