VPNR-060424 #36
- Χριστός Ανέστη!
- blogοπάρτι; Ήθελα να πάω, αλλά...
- (+) First Date, Danko Jones [PMN]
- Πώς ακούτε τα podcasts?
- Backup, backup, backup... FileVault, Parallels
- stefanos: cobian backup
- DigiPal2 Digital TV
- (+) Mirror of Love, henta ellis [PMN]
- stefanos audio comment, σχετικά με blogs.
- Podcasting Market Update
- feedburner διαχειρίζεται περισσότερα podcasts (47.000+) από όσους Ρ/Φ σταθμούς υπάρχουν σε όλο τον κόσμο!
- podcast circulation is consistently growing nearly 20% per month (1.6 million subscribers)
- Castrol Podcast
- radiopod.pasok.gr (πολιτικοί προσέξτε,το podcast δεν είναι σαν άλλα μέσα!)
- (+) None of the Above, David Ippolito [PMN]
- Podshow DevCast (+ Golden Ticket technology)
- RedHat Magazine Podcast [RSS]
- Linux, OS X, Windows
- (+) Single Mans Lament - Live at the CD Release Party, Matthew Ebel [PMN]
- RSS publishing (συνέχεια)
- Προς bloggers και podcasters: Womma (word of mouth marketing association), WOMMA Ethics
- Honesty of Relationship: You say who you're speaking for
- Honesty of Opinion: You say what you believe
- Honesty of Identity: You never obscure your identity
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Original link: http://vrypan.net/weblog/2006/04/24/2427/