VPNR-070219 #57 -- geeky
=== RSS feed | προσθήκη στο iTunes | download MP3 === === email: radio@vrypan.net | voice mail: +30 213 00 22 810 ===
- SYNC blogs
- CalacanisCast Beta 11 -- Control by Obscurification: The New Radical Opaqueness
- REC (on): Social Entrepreneurship
- niavent
- KiSS technology
- slimdevices (και λέγεται Squeezebox, όχι slimbox... :-) Squeezebox@amazon
- OpenID: openid.net (γενικά), myopenid.com, getopenid.com
Μουσική: * 2 car garage - The Cool Waters Band * Rock and Roll Queen + I Want to Hear What You Have Got To Say - The Subways
Original link: http://vrypan.net/weblog/2007/02/19/2682/