Creating a blog post out of a twitter thread.

I'm working on a tool that will convert a twitter thread to a post for my blog. I got the idea from @ChrisAldrich's tweet . // @vrypan→
I wish @ThreadReaderApp had the ability to authenticate into my personal website & publish a copy of my tweetstorms into my blog using Micropub. This would be a great way to leverage existing infrastructure and to allow people to put their [more...] // @ChrisAldrich→
Now, my blog is a static blog generated using bucket3 (, so my tool (a Python script) converts the thread to markdown. It's not ideal (HTML would give me much better options to format the result), but it's ok. // @vrypan→
More importantly, the result is setf-contained: Once the page is generated, it needs no external javascript or other elements. Even photos are downloaded from twitter and hosted on my blog. I've blogged long enough to know that at some point your external refs will be gone. // @vrypan→
Here. For example, this is a photo of a recent long weekend to Spetses. // @vrypan→
A side effect I had not thought of: Even though my blog does not have comments, when I import a twitter thread to my blog, each paragraph can be commented on just by clicking the link and going to the corresponding tweet. // @vrypan→
Of course, I can always edit the resulting markdown and fix typos, merge tweets in a single paragraph or even add more content to the blog post. // @vrypan→