Stories from NFT land #1
It was February 2021 when I bought my first NFT art. I was looking around, trying to find some NFTs that I liked but did not cost a ton of money, when I found Lisa Fogarty's "Nostalgia Series" on Mintable.
I'm no art expert, my only criteria is how much I like a piece, and these three spoke directly to my heart, so I went ahead and bought them.
I looked up Lisa, found her Instagram account and messaged her that I liked her work, and suggested she should add a link from her Instagram profile to her Mintable profile to prove that she is her on both sites.
Since then, she has joined twitter (@NftLisa, follow her!), she got deep into NFTs and her works are sold at significantly higher prices than the early ones I bought 8 months ago. (links:
Some days ago, I reached out to her again, to ask her something technical about these early NFTs, and as we were chatting, she was very kind to offer to send me the original works as a gift for the early support.
So, today I got these! Thank you so much Lisa!