function orthodox_easter()
Given a year, orthodox_easter calculates the timestamp of this year's Orthodox Easter.
function orthodox_easter($year) {
The Date of Orthodox Easter: An algorithm based on Oudin's Algorithm
Based on
18-Oct-2003, Panayotis Vryonis <panayotis @ >
ex. usage: echo date ("l dS of F Y h:i:s A",orthodox_easter(2004) )
$G = $year % 19 ;
$I = (19*$G + 15) % 30 ;
$J = ($year + floor($year/4) + $I) % 7 ;
$L = $I - $J ;
$EasterMonth = 3 + floor( ($L + 40)/44 );
$EasterDay = $L + 28 - 31*floor($EasterMonth/4) ;
if ($year<2100) $toGregorian=13 ;
else $toGregorian=14 ;
$ret = mktime(0,0,0,$EasterMonth,$EasterDay+$toGregorian,$year) ;
return $ret ;
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