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ελληνικά podcasts
Podcasts: Νέα ελληνική τεχνολογική πραγματικότητα(;)
Μια συζήτηση για την πολιτική και το blogging: τάσεις παραδείγματα
GigaOM » New Deals, Big Money for BitTorrent?

Task Management
Remember The Milk (via Σπιτάκι)
SlimTimer - Time Tracking without the Timesheet

Yahoo! Group text messageing
Yahoo! Launches Group Texting Site

Jason Calacanis
We're not creating a better iPod--we're just
talking about making a better iPod
1. Open source software.
2. Wifi
3. No DRM
4. Removeable media (i.e. Compact Flash)
5. Preloaded with three shows from the top 200 podcasts
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Yahoo! vs Google (Answers)
Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Yahoo’s Big Win