Making GitHub part of my publishing workflow

I'm currently testing if GitHub can become part of my publishing workflow. GitHub is not for everyone (I mean, it's a tool designed for developers, not publishers), but it does have a number of nice features that could nicely fit in my web publishing workflow.
For example, it has a nice web-based editor, with markdown capabilities. It has webhooks that can trigger third party apps and services, and a powerful API -in addition to git and everything that comes with it, like versioning. And GitHub Pages is a nice hosting platform for static sites like this blog.
I'm experimenting in two directions.
First, I created a new repo, vrypan/notebook where I just host notes in markdown files. As simple as that, I just create (either on my laptop and push through git, or through the GitHub web interface) text files written in markdown. I'm only using this for a day, but I think it suits me. An added (but very important) bonus is I can use an iOS app like Git2Go to create and edit pages on my iPhone.
Second, I created a private repo where I host the source (markdown files, templates, etc, required by bucket3) of my blog. When I want to create a new post or edit an old one, I can now do this through the web inetrface of Then, I pull localy, regenerate the site using bucket3, and upload the new version to my webserver.
- Host the static site on GitHub Pages
- Use webhooks and some scripts running at a raspberry pi at home to automate the proccess: I want to edit a post on GitHub and have RPi pull the changes, run bucket3 and upload the new posts.
BTW, this post was written using ;-)