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Posts tagged "en" (700)


lemon3 Farcaster+IPFS = Decentralized RSS enclosures and file sharing
2025-03-23 — #en #farcaster #ipfs #lemon3
Farcaster in Coinbase Wallet Coinbase Wallet will integrate with Farcaster. Here's why I find it exciting.
2025-03-03 — #en #farcaster


Ethereum as a Neutral Economic Zone Ethereum, as the largest, neutral, economic activity zone is our hedge against a fragmented and hostile world that is starting to treat prosperity as a zero-sum game.
2024-12-23 — #en #ethereum
Farcaster L2s What could a Farcaster Layer 2 look like? How could we implement them? Is it a good idea?
2024-06-26 — #en #farcaster #ideas
The Moore-Nakamoto plain A great tool to map and compare projects, and to analyze how advances in compute and crypto will affect them in the future.
2024-04-27 — #en #web3 #crypto
The l--o--l collection |--o--| is a collection of 10,000 ASCII art spaceships on the Base chain.
2024-03-08 — #en #l--o--l


Farcaster is a better match for SpaceX than X. (Or, "How Farcaster hubs sync")
All about Farcaster Signers Approving, revoking, and using them to re-sign messages.
The Farcaster icon font I converted the farcaster logo to an icon font.
2023-11-11 — #en #farcaster #howto
Welcome to farcaster New to Farcaster? Here are a few things to help you find your way around.
Goodbye, Twitter And thank you for the memories.
2023-08-14 — #en #twitter #history #web20
VisionPro's EyeSight may be a killer feature. The outward display that reveals your eyes while wearing Vision Pro may be a killer feature.
2023-06-06 — #en #visionpro #apple


The dangerous path of OpenSea's blacklisting tool OpenSea's tool that enforces fees, is much more than this and we are about to make the same mistakes all over again.
2022-11-08 — #en #opensea #nft #crypto
ERC721 Subset A smart contract to create an on-chain subset of an existing ERC721 collection.
2022-11-06 — #en #howto #solidity #nft
Implementing tokenURI as a separate contract The cost is minimal, and the advantages are significant.
2022-05-13 — #en #howto #solidity #nft
What's the utility of a pfp NFT collection? Signalling. Why do users spend money to buy a PFP NFT?
2022-01-19 — #en #nfts #web3
Putting an old iMac to use Configuring an old iMac to run pihole, homebridge, and ipfs, using Siri to turn the brightness on/off and using it as a... "LED panel" light.
2022-01-06 — #en #howto


Christina's Linux adventures. Part 1. My 10yrs old daughter got a Linux laptop.
web3, ens and trademarks Claim your brand and trademarks on ENS before it's too late.
2021-11-05 — #twitter #en #ens #web3
Planet LRR cellular automata + art + NFT
2021-11-03 — #twitter #en
Stories from NFT land #1 8 months ago, I bought my first NFT art.
2021-10-22 — #en #nft
Leaving ChannelVAS After 5.5 years, yesterday was my last day at ChannelVAS.
2021-04-27 — #en #diary
The rise of the activist trader (?) An activist trader is an individual or group that uses trading of public stocks or other financial instruments in order to achieve a cause other than financial profit.
2021-01-31 — #en #finance
The GameSpot backstory @endtwist explains the backstory and the technical details of the GameSpot stock.
2021-01-29 — #twitter #en #finance
How can we make ENS in IPFS more distributed? Some of my thoughts as shared on twitter.
2021-01-22 — #twitter #en #ipfs #ens
Crypto, blockchains and the next computing paradigm How blockchains and crypto bring a new paradigm in computing, what this means and how to identify the areas it could disrupt.
My first take on NFC tags I recently purchased my first NFC tags. Here are my first impressions and my first experiments.
2021-01-01 — #en #howto #nfc #iphone


Scented candles: An unexpected victim of the COVID-19 pandemic Analyzing scented candles Amazon reviews.
2020-11-28 — #twitter #en #covid19
MagicMirror What an amazing project!
2020-11-25 — #twitter #en #howto
Apple Silicon vs Intel ...through the eyes of Asimov's Foundation.
2020-11-25 — #twitter #en
Trump vs Xi Comparing Trump's and Xi's speaches at the UN General Assembly
2020-09-23 — #twitter #en #politics
Put roller blade wheels on your office chair Best Internet advice ever.
2020-07-21 — #fromtwitter #en #lifehacks
I like this twitter-to-blogpost format more and more Converting tweets to blog posts started as an experiment, but I'll probably stick to it.
2020-07-19 — #en #fromtwitter #blogging
Creating a blog post out of a twitter thread. I'm working on a tool that converts a twitter thread to a blog post. This is an example post.
2020-07-17 — #en #twitter #projects #blogging
HEY does not support IMAP and that's its most important feature. is a new email service. After spending 14 days with it, here is my take on it.
2020-07-01 — #en #email
Weekend project: Unifi UDM + RaspberryPi + UnicornHAT HD Monitor Unifi Dream Machine traffic with a Raspberry Pi and UnicornHAT HD.
2020-05-15 — #en #projects #diy
my iPod nano from 10 years ago The iPod nano 2nd gen was released in September 2006.
2020-04-13 — #en #personal #ipod #podcasting is a dynamic DNS crafted with care. How does a paid offering makes sense in a market that is niche, over-saturated with free services and not sexy at all?
2020-03-28 — #en #etc-hosts-com


iOS 13 Books app and parental controls Is iOS 13 Books a parent's nightmare, or am I missing something?
2019-12-24 — #en #ios #parenting
Thoughts on turtlecoin public nodes Changes to, API results and a possible attack vector.


A "dual" SIM setup with older iPhones (not X+). You can use two iPhones (one can be a quite old one) and carry only one with you.
2018-10-17 — #en #howto
How to create an ad hoc, private Instagram with iCloud iCloud Photo Sharing allows you to create a small, private "Instagram". Here's how to do it.
2018-09-09 — #en #howto
Maybe Facebook is not the way to reach your potential audience. Your blog has a feature that Facebook does not: discoverability.
“Social Networks” don’t scale socially Monolithic, centralised social networking sites do not scale socially.
2018-08-16 — #en #socialmedia #thoughts
Sao Paulo Business trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2018-08-10 — #travel #en
My Synology DS916+: a year later. How I set it up, how I use it and my overall impressions after a bit more than a year with it.
2018-08-05 — #en #howto
2018-08-01 — #en #gr #travel
2018-05-25 — #twitter #en #howto
2018-04-24 — #personal #en #gr
Print vs online magazines. Why do I enjoy reading print magazines when I can find the same articles online?
2018-04-21 — #print #en #thoughts
2018-04-16 — #en #apple


Where is social for podcasts? Why isn't there a service where I can show the podcasts I'm subscribed too and the episodes I liked most?
2017-12-28 — #en #podcasting #ideas
Cryptocurrencies and the Labor of Computers. Crypto is to CPU cycles what money is to human labor.
2017-09-17 — #en #digitalcurrencies
Digital currency Industries and Indexes I think we should create some digital currency indexes based on capitalisation, sector etc.
2017-07-03 — #en #digitalcurrency
MONODRAW rocks! A powerful ASCII art editor designed for the Mac.
2017-03-17 — #en #appreview
A kill switch to countermeasure border controls? Creating a kill switch that will wipe sensitive data from my computer if asked to unlock it.
2017-02-22 — #en #howto #privacy


My feed reading setup. If you miss the freedom RSS used to give us before we started relying on Facebook, read on.
2016-12-29 — #en #howto
A Driver Mode for smartphones. Let’s use technology to limit -or even eliminate- distracted driving.
2016-12-15 — #en #ideas
The Ultimatum Game A social experiment that may offer an explanation about the recent political developments in the world.
2016-11-10 — #en #politics
How to create a simple ASN.1 parser Step by step instructions to create a ASN.1 parser using asn1c.
2016-10-10 — #en #howto
Blog posts without titles. I find blog post titles restrictive. Here is how I got rid of them.
2016-09-23 — #en #blogging
Making GitHub part of my publishing workflow How I'm using a github repo as a notebook, and the first steps towards hosting my blog on github.
2016-09-02 — #en #howto #github
Dear Qatar Airways, you know nothing about customer care. How Qatar Airways gave my seat to someone else after I had checked in, turned a 17h itinerary to a 30h one, and acted as if this is a normal thing to happen.
2016-08-12 — #en #rant #qatar airways
Facebook instant articles first thoughts Facebook opened up Instant Articles to everyone a couple of months ago. I just had some time to give it a try. To be honest, I like it.
Brexit referendum first thoughs. Such a pity.
2016-06-24 — #en
UX tip: Users need your feedback too. Give your users feedback for their actions. Especially if you are the one who asked them to do something.
2016-05-11 — #en
Simple bash script for encrypted chat over keybase fs (kbfs) First impressions of the filesystem, and a small bash script to implement a secure, encrypted chat service over it.
2016-03-31 — #en #howto #keybase
Not just what you know, but who you are too. Privacy and identity are hard to separate.
2016-03-19 — #en #privacy #encryption
How to bypass the Netflix VPN ban So, after all, it seems like the recent Netflix VPN ban can be bypassed —at least for now.
2016-02-21 — #en #netflix #vpn
A big Fuck Off by the content industry and Netflix to users worldwide. How Netflix and the content industry is blocking users who are paying 60% more than the rest to access content legitimately.
2016-02-19 — #en #netflix #piracy
POSE with IFTTT Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere with
2016-01-26 — #en #howto #indieweb
Comparing my Facebook to my Instagram feed It seems that the people I follow can express more interesting things using photos than words.
2016-01-26 — #en #facebook #instagram
The annoying state of Internet subscriptions I’d like to see something that would make “subscribe” a verb of the Internet, like "go” and “contact”.
(Re: Audible) DRM is a defect Follow up to a reply I got for recommending Audible in my last Letter.
2016-01-18 — #en #audible #drm


How to archive your tweets Why not take a backup of all your tweets every now and then?
2015-12-24 — #en #howto #twitter #archiving
How to archive your Gmail Why not make a tradition out of archiving your Gmail at the end of the year? See how easy it is.
2015-12-24 — #en #howto
My post is a required reading for Yale's MGT656 I'm proud and I had to share. :-)
2015-12-06 — #en #diary
Testing Twitter ads The results of a small experiment at getting new subscribers to my newsletter using Twitter lead generation ads and MailChimp form integrations.
2015-12-06 — #en #howto #twitter #mailchimp
Support Matthew Ebel on patreon Matthew Ebel is an American musician, voice actor, and author whose sci-fi performances have made him Guest of Honor at geek conventions nationwide. —
2015-11-14 — #en
Your startup’s blog should be on Medium. Why your startup's blog (at least the first one) should be on Medium.
2015-10-17 — #en #blogging #howto
A newsletter that turned into something more personal. Overtime, The Letter has turned from a newsletter to a medium of sharing parts of my life I wouldn't share on my blog any more.
2015-10-02 — #en #newsletter #thoughts
A rainy day
2015-09-28 — #diary #en
How I keep my twitter feed healthy If you sometimes check your twitter feed and think there's nothing interesting going on, you are probably doing something wrong: Somewhere, something interesting IS going on for sure, you are just not following the right people.
2015-09-20 — #en #social media #twitter
Using Bitcoin to buy anything The first experience of using my prepaid VISA card from
2015-08-01 — #bitcoin #en
Bitcoin ATM at The Cube Athens Using the Bitcoin ATM at The Cube Athens to buy Bitcoin with cash.
2015-07-22 — #en #bitcoin
A geek, capital controls in Greece and bitcoin. How capital controls in Greece affected my on-line presence and why I'm giving bitcoin a serious try.
2015-07-22 — #en #bitcoin
Shutting down longaccess Longaccess is shutting down. This is not where I planned to be when I started Longaccess, 2.5 years ago. The plan was world domination, yet here I am, having to say goodbye to everything I've worked for in the last 2.5 years. Do I regret it? No! The destination is crappy, but the journey was totally worth it.
2015-07-16 — #en #longaccess
Social networking services have failed me. I'm going back to my web 2.0 roots. For the last couple of years, I've been increasingly relying on social networking services to curate, share, discover and even publish content. Looking back, it think they have failed me and that's why I'm looking for ways to reconnect with my web 2.0 "roots".
2015-06-22 — #en #howto #blogging
I like this little guy A little mantis on the lemon tree in the back yard of our house.
2015-06-17 — #en #diary
Does Apple have a Search Strategy? I think so. They want to unbundle search.
2015-06-09 — #en #apple #search #google
A super-minimal, almost "plain-text" email template for Mailchimp. How I created a very simple email template for Mailchimp that resembles a lot plain text emails, to send my daily digest.
2015-06-04 — #en #howto
Post to your GitHub-hosted blog using a simple bookmarklet. jekyll-post-via-web is a simple HTML page that lets you update your GitHub-hosted Jekyll blog using your browser.
2015-05-29 — #en #howto #jekyll #github
A major update Automatically organise your Camera Uploads, get notified about changes in your Dropbox via email or Slack, and many bug fixes.
2015-04-16 — #en
Will heartbeat sharing be the new social gesture? Aggregating heartbeats can be an interesting social gesture. And subscribing to the aggregate heartbeat of a group can be an interesting new way of connecting with it.
2015-03-12 — #en #ideas #social
testing my webmentions server This is a test post to try my own webmentions endpoint at
2015-01-11 — #en #howto #indieweb
I'm so excited about our BigStash launch! I used to love the few extra days of staying at home, when it snows in Athens, but this year, it's different :-)
2015-01-08 — #en #longaccess #bigstash


ALIVE INSIDE An amazing documentary about music's capacity to reawaken our souls and uncover the deepest parts of our humanity.
2014-12-20 — #en
Stream 2014 was amazing This was probably the best event I've ever been to.
2014-10-28 — #en #diary #wppstream
I enabled SSL for my S3-hosted static blog How I used CloudFlare's (free) Universal SSL to enable HTTPS for my S3-hosted static-HTML blog, and a few extra notes.
My little daughter’s first secret. Secrets are part of human nature.
2014-10-02 — #en #diary #privacy
Apple Pay and the heartbeat sensor on Apple Watch. My theory behind the heart rate sensor built in Apple Watch
2014-09-16 — #en #ideas #apple
I don't think that's Why Starbucks Spells Your Name Wrong. But the truth may be even more amazing, from a different point of view.
2014-09-12 — #en #marketing
How we use Intercom to engage with our users on Twitter. is full of nice little features and "social profiles" is one of them. Not part of the core product, but at we've found it to be extremely valuable.
Retiring my DVDs. DVD is a dying medium, at least for me. Here's how I deal with it.
2014-07-15 — #en #howto
The right to be forgotten vs. Copyrights. OK, I know it's not the one vs the other. But still.
2014-07-11 — #copyrights #en
the easter egg design
2014-07-11 — #en
browser-based notifications for my blog using Roost Browser-based push notifications is an exciting feature for web publishers. Use Roost to easily enable it in your website.
2014-07-07 — #en #howto
Google, Facebook, monarchy and democracy. It’s not how they use the enormous power they have. It’s who controls it.
How we use Intercom in the registration workflow. I will describe here how we integrated Intercom with our invitation and registration workflow at to send user notifications, and how this helps us deliver better services.
Could Apple disrupt Search? Could Spotlight challenge Google’s dominant position?
Offloading unused Dropbox files to How moving unused or rarely used files from Dropbox's hot storage to's cold storage reduced my storage costs and made my Dropbox account more manageable.
2014-06-13 — #en #dropbox
Google and “the right to be forgotten”. Could it be that Google Search has reached its limit to scale?
2014-05-31 — #en #web #thoughts
Brandenburger Tor
2014-05-26 — #photo #en
Fuck. I'm starting a newsletter. Because that's all we have left.
2014-05-14 — #en #thoughts #newsletter #rss
Old blog post URLs as a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. What if we didn't care to make old blog posts easy to navigate to?
2014-05-10 — #en #ideas
Using Longaccess [video] A short video showing how Longaccess works. It's really easy to preserve your important files for decades!
2014-05-07 — #en #longaccess
why blog pagination URL structure needs restructuring Blogs are read in reverse chronological order, but their archive should be numbered like a diary, in chronological order. Your /page/1 should show the oldest posts, not the newer ones.
2014-05-07 — #en #ideas
Why and how we put our terms of service on github. It's nice to say that you are customer-centric, customer-first, etc, but what really matters is how much of this you are willing to put down on paper. Your Terms of Service are the actual contract between you and your clients, not your keynote presentations, or your posts on Facebook and twitter.
2014-05-05 — #en #howto #github
Social networks with a purpose. They have a social graph even if we didn’t notice.
2014-04-25 — #en #social
"fragmentions" is a cool idea. A cool idea that allows us to link directly to any text fragmet inside web pages.
2014-04-22 — #en #howto #fragmentions
my little daughter's scrapbook and digital content. It's probably the most valuable thing we will carry with us for the years to come -and something we would definately want to pass on to her when she's old enough to understand.
2014-03-17 — #en #ideas #longaccess
SSH Back to My Mac How to remotely SSH to your Macs by taking advantage of Back to My Mac.
2014-03-06 — #en #howto #osx
just an idea: the kindergarten art archive What if kindergarten had a long term archive of kids drawings? A public one. Imagine the things you could study if you had access to kids drawings over the years...
2014-01-21 — #en #ideas #longaccess
Setting HackerNews "new" page as my browser default page I decided to make new tabs open the HackerNews "newest" section, to help new posts I like get an initial traction.
2014-01-06 — #en #hackernews


python one-liners
2013-11-11 — #howto #en
Why you can't comment here. It's been a year I removed comments from my blog, and I've done a lot of thinking on it since. Here is why it worked for me.
2013-11-11 — #en #blogging
Why I won't get a Google+ Custom URL Two reasons why I'll stick to my unfriendly, long, Google+ URL.
2013-11-08 — #en #google #rant
my vcsh setup vcsh is a version control system for $HOME. This is how I've set it up.
2013-10-28 — #en #howto #commandline
When it comes to privacy, proof is better than promise -and it helps us sleep better at night. As a young tech startup planning to offer cloud storage services, we at Longaccess decided to treat our own service the same way we treat any service we use to store our data: with extreme suspicion.
OS X Finder file color labels How to use OS X Finder color labels from the command line.
2013-10-15 — #en #howto #osx
2013-10-14 — #photo #en
procrastination routine
2013-10-14 — #en
Rain boots
2013-10-05 — #en #diary
DLI: Distribution, Logic, Interfaces It could be a software architecture pattern.
2013-09-28 — #en #thoughts
Crafting a blog I'm finally happy with my blog. Not the content. The engine that hosts it.
2013-09-27 — #en #bucket3 #blogging
webmention tests a dummy post used as testbed for webmentions.
2013-09-25 — #en #test
tools we use at longaccess: HipChat One of the tools we use most at longaccess is HipChat. Here is why.
2013-09-19 — #en #howto #longaccess
Showing twitter references in a static blog Weekend project: How to show under each static blog engine post the tweets that mentioned it.
2013-09-15 — #en #howto #bucket3
BitTorent Sync is a great tool for startups. Our experience with BitTorrent Sync at longaccess has been great.
2013-09-13 — #en #longaccess #howto
Don't write off Microsoft in mobile Microsoft is in a tough place, but they may have the chance to disrupt the ecosystem.
2013-09-12 — #en #mobile #microsoft
Designing a cloud storage service: pen or pencil? Embracing limitations by design.
2013-09-05 — #en #longaccess
Privacy is not dead Privacy is not dead, it may very well be the next big thing.
2013-08-30 — #en #privacy
public-key cryptography for non-geeks It's not as complicated as you think.
2013-08-28 — #en #howto
replacing the search engine: a distributed query system. Would it be possible to replace centralized search engines like Google, by creating a "smart" p2p search network? I think so, and in some cases, it shouldn't be so hard to.
2013-08-19 — #en #search-engines #ideas #dqs
Why we started longaccess. How did we come up with the idea of longaccess? Here is the true story.
2013-07-15 — #en #longaccess
They are social places, not networks Even though the connections of each individual user are his social network, these sites (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.) are not social networks. They are social networking places.
2013-07-11 — #en #social
Privacy, Marketing and the NSA The dominant business model for online consumer services leaves little room for privacy.
2013-06-25 — #en #privacy #marketing
Your 2-year old can use the iPad. So what. I find it amusing when other parents brag that their kids can use the iPad.
on PRISM and US data hosting A worried tech entrepreneur’s thoughts after PRISM-related news.
My daughter changed my perception of time. My daughter turned two a couple of weeks ago. Being a parent is an amazing experience, the kind of experience that makes one think of the world and oneself in a different way.
“future-proof” is a feature I want to see more services offer “Future-proof is a feature, and an important one, when it comes to hosting my digital life, like my photos, my videos, my thoughts, my on- and off-line activity.”
2013-05-21 — #en #thoughts #longdata
migrating from iPhoto to Dropbox, from feature rich to future proof. How I moved from feature rich iPhoto to future proof Dropbox.
2013-05-20 — #en #howto #iphoto #dropbox
my post got 63k visits thanks to HN: the aftermath. One of my posts got to HackerNews #1 for hours. Here is what I’ve learned and some interesting data.
2013-04-14 — #en #hackernews


2012-11-10 — #diary #photo #en #gr
Linkedin Experiment
2012-01-26 — #ideas #en
2012-01-22 — #photo #en #gr
2012-01-22 — #photo #gr #en
2012-01-12 — #photo #en #gr
impress.js: impressive!
2012-01-05 — #en
2012-01-01 — #photo #retro #atari #en #gr


morning coffee
2011-12-29 — #en #gr #photo



FFDirect 0.7.0
2009-07-01 — #misc #misc #en


2007-12-12 — #urlborg #urlborg #en


2006-10-14 — #misc #misc #en
lilina update
2006-07-30 — #lilina #en
Foneros Frappr
2006-03-15 — #misc #misc #en


My OS X favorites
2005-12-19 — #apple #en
Google Music
2005-12-16 — #google #en
2005-11-27 — #links #en
2005-11-27 — #misc #misc #en
flock rocks!
2005-10-21 — #news #en
"Flickr TV" box
2005-09-11 — #misc #misc #en
iPod nano
2005-09-08 — #news #en
Bye bye!
2005-07-31 — #misc #misc #en
Remix Planet
2005-07-06 — #misc #misc #en
My Web 2.0
2005-06-30 — #folksonomy #yahoo #en
Google Earth
2005-06-28 — #google #en
MD5 is dead
2005-06-15 — #misc #misc #en
2005-06-09 — #web-devel #en
lilina 0.7
2005-03-24 — #lilina #news #en
Hula Server!
2005-02-21 — #news #en


lilina forum
2004-12-24 — #lilina #en
2004-12-05 — #lilina #en
lilina 0.5.1
2004-11-23 — #lilina #en
lilina v0.5
2004-11-11 — #lilina #en
2004-10-25 — #ip #news #en
I'm back!
2004-08-24 — #misc #misc #en
RSS feeds
2004-07-24 — #misc #misc #en
Data loss
2004-07-19 — #misc #misc #en
Cool feature!
2004-07-15 — #misc #misc #en